📢 Dynatrace support for Android Gradle Plugin 4.x ends in September 2024 374 Views 0 replies 5 kudos android gradle mobile monitoring This thread is pinned
Analyze granular digital experience data for insightful analysis with DEM metrics on dashboards and apps on the latest Dynatrace 797 Views 0 replies 7 kudos faq real user monitoring This thread is pinned
📚 Unlock the full potential of Digital Experience Monitoring with the latest Dynatrace, Grail and OneAgent 7788 Views 21 replies 33 kudos faq mobile monitoring real user monitoring This thread is pinned
📢 Dynatrace support for MS Internet Explorer 11 ends in May 2024 30005 Views 1 replies 7 kudos javascript real user monitoring This thread is pinned
Resolved! ActiveGate as a beacon forwarder in SaaS deployment 2065 Views 7 replies 0 kudos activegate dynatrace saas real user monitoring
Resolved! Custom Certificate for Cluster Activegate issues 6316 Views 5 replies 0 kudos activegate mobile monitoring real user monitoring
Resolved! Not seeing agentless RUM traffic in Dynatrace Managed 4355 Views 3 replies 0 kudos activegate data privacy and product security dynatrace managed
Resolved! Why MSGrouter is advised to set to false only for those in DMZ? (and also only those with Networ-Zone-paramter enable?) 2554 Views 1 replies 0 kudos activegate
Resolved! Cluster ActiveGate routing web traffic to a specific CLuster ActiveGate when doing Agentless with code injection 3328 Views 2 replies 0 kudos activegate dynatrace managed real user monitoring
Resolved! Agentless Real User Monitoring for external and internal applications 4861 Views 3 replies 0 kudos activegate real user monitoring
Resolved! Is it possible to monitor Mobile RUM without an ActiveGate? 4660 Views 4 replies 0 kudos activegate mobile monitoring real user monitoring
Resolved! Rerount RUM data to AG instead of our web server 2825 Views 1 replies 0 kudos activegate real user monitoring
Resolved! java openkit certificate error when trying simplesample 4735 Views 3 replies 0 kudos activegate application monitoring java
Resolved! Using EAG for RUM (just like CAG)? 4930 Views 5 replies 0 kudos activegate real user monitoring
Resolved! How to configure cluster activegate to works in HTTP 3532 Views 2 replies 0 kudos activegate real user monitoring
Resolved! The URL of Mobile App to be the same as URL of Cluster Active Gate 3564 Views 3 replies 0 kudos activegate mobile monitoring
Resolved! Does monitoring of mobile app has dependency on provision of Cluster ActiveGate? 3034 Views 3 replies 0 kudos activegate mobile monitoring
What is the format of data sent from all mobile device to the cluster active gate? 2061 Views 1 replies 0 kudos activegate mobile monitoring
How to set multiple Cluster ActiveGates with same domain and certificate for Dynatrace Managed? 2703 Views 1 replies 0 kudos activegate mobile monitoring
Resolved! Fetch the Browser extension config from the Public Activegate (Managed) 6421 Views 8 replies 1 kudos activegate real user monitoring
Resolved! Communication test fails from mobile agent to SaaS Security Gateway (now ActiveGate) 5430 Views 8 replies 0 kudos activegate dynatrace saas mobile monitoring
Resolved! Installing ActiveGate without checking a certificate 2901 Views 2 replies 0 kudos activegate mobile monitoring