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When does monitoring of OneAgent and Javascript injection of RUM stop?



I have a question from my customer about behavior of OneAgent and RUM.

If the license term is expired, when does monitoring of OneAgent and Javascript injection of RUM stop?

The customer wants to test the impact of OneAgent and javascript injection. But their trial license is about to expire. So they ask this question. (Is the test valid after the license expires?)


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

I believe you will be able to get into the tenant but I don't believe metrics will be gathered unless you have overages enabled. Ill get further confirmation on this from support.


Support has confirmed that this is correct.


Hi! Chad-san,

Thank you for your confirmation!

So, is it mean at that timing the javascript injection is stopped also?

Yes, all auto injection would stop as well at the time of the license expiring.


Hi, Chad-san,

I could understand the behavior.

Thank you!

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