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Dynatrace Associate exam preparation



I know there are already discussions about it but I'm preparing for the exam and before doing it I want at least to be sure that I'm doing it in the right way.

I'm passing the mocking test at DT University with good marks but it doesn't give me that confidence because, in the end, the questions are the same every day even if I would like to have more new questions.

I've already used my trial but in the end, all I can really testify is some scenarios with my VM and docker and the rest like Vmware, OpenStack, Kubernetes, AWS, etc it's not possible to testify because I have no such environment to access.

The documentation is useful, yes but in my opinion, it gives you a lot of info (obviously) and in my opinion, a lot of information lead you to nowhere, or at least it won't help you to focus on crucial point for the exam.

Is there any way to compare my knowledge about dDynatrace before giving the actual exam?

Thanks in advance for your suggestion and help

Best Regards,


142 REPLIES 142


Hello @Kenny_Gillette, would it be possible to send over the training materials to me please? I have the exam tomorrow and could do with a sanity check. My email is


Hi @Kenny_Gillette appreciate to send me the exam prep for the associate exam would be a great help .. thanks for your efforts Email ID :


Hi @Kenny_Gillette ,  can anyone help me with some good materials for Dynatrace Associate certification?
E-MAIL: thanks. Much appreciated..

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