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Synthetic scripts browser clickpath, popup window



We have the following problem, there is an application (web) that we are trying to open, when we select an option from a menu, a pop-up window opens with a form. The problem is, that popup only works like this, it doesn't work like a new tab in the browser.
When we execute the recording, the pop-up window is not loaded, but is loaded as one more tab to the main sale.
Apparently there is some configuration in the application that prevents it from working as a tab, the session is closed. It only works as a pop-up window and we cannot continue recording and validate the data in the pop-up window.
1- We test the flow with the incognito window without recording and the popup window loads without problems.
2-We test the recording and the popup is loaded as a tab to the main sale.

Any solution, thanks.



Complemented the above

We have a script recorded with Vugen (Microfocus LoadRunner), this captures the dynamic values ​​through correlations and then adds them to the URL and makes the POST request, the server responds with 200 ok code and returns all the content of the sale (the body of the HTML).
and We do not suffer with pop-ups.
Is it possible to do this with dynatrace?

You can add dynamic values to urls using JavaScript events. You can capture the dynamic value and save it using api.setValue(key, value) and you can then add that value to a url using {key}. 


Synthetic SME and community advocate.

Community Team
Community Team

Hi everyone!


As this thread remains unanswered as of now, does anyone have some insights that would be helpful for future visitors and seekers? 🤔 


Thanks in advance!

Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

It is expected that the pop-up is loaded as a tab when run using Dynatrace Synthetic. I'm not aware of any work arounds for this. It might make a good Product Idea if you have an application that does not allow this. 


Synthetic SME and community advocate.

Hi HannahM

Do you now if the Product Idea was created for the problem ?

A product idea for applications where the pop-up does not work as expected when it is treated as a tab?


Synthetic SME and community advocate.



Did you found any solution for you problem?


For most customers, this solution works:


Synthetic SME and community advocate.



In my case I have the first Window to do the login steps, after that I have a Popup Window with my application in this page, I need to do any search to validate if my Application is OK, but my clickpath stops the register after de connection page, like in my image



This would be easier checked in a support ticket.
Is your image from a playback or recording? If it's playback then I suspect the application is bypassing our player, which directs any new window requests to a new tab instead.  

Synthetic SME and community advocate.


My image is during recording, I think the same thing 


Cool. I don't think that the player moves the new window to a new tab during recording, so that should be fine. It would just be if we saw the new window being opened on playback. 

Synthetic SME and community advocate.


The problem here is that as soon as the new window opens, the recording stops and this cuts off my synthetic test, which is a damage for us tests 😞


You can try manually adding the next events but that sounds like there's a window.close being sent that we can't prevent. A support ticket would be best for looking at this

Synthetic SME and community advocate.

Thanks 🙂

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