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Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

On AKS, you can create node-pools specifically for running WASM workloads. However, these workloads cannot be injected.

What is a “WASM node-pool”?

According to the AKS documentation:

To determine if a node-pool is a “WASM node-pool,” check the workload-runtime of the node-pool. If its value is WasmWasi, then it is classified as a WASM node-pool. Example command:

az aks nodepool show -g myResourceGroup --cluster-name myAKSCluster -n mywasipool --query workloadRuntime

What to do when using Dynatrace Operator in a cluster with a “WASM node-pool”

Dynatrace Operator cannot inject into pods running on nodes in a WASM node-pool. Therefore, you need to exclude these workloads from injection. There are a few ways to achieve this:

  • Use the namespaceSelector fields in the DynaKube configuration, assuming the setup ensures that only specific namespaces' pods run on WASM nodes.
  • Apply pod-level annotations to enable or disable injection:
    • "false"
    • "false"

Note: Since you have to explicitly create workloads that run on WASM nodes, annotating these workloads should not be much of a hassle.

Version history
Last update:
‎22 Jul 2024 03:14 PM
Updated by: