Capturing Outgoing Calls in Azure Functions with Dynatrace 137 Views 0 comments 3 kudos azure distributed tracing
Azure services not visible when selecting the Management zones 206 Views 0 comments 3 kudos azure management zones
AWS / Azure monitoring setup: What if I have more than one ActiveGate? 42142 Views 1 comments 4 kudos activegate aws azure
Why don't I see metric data in my Azure monitoring setup? 451529 Views 3 comments 6 kudos azure metrics
Azure SAML configuration: How can I resolve Error AADSTS50105 in an Azure configuration? 40809 Views 0 comments 1 kudos azure saml
Azure SAML configuration: Why is a link to the Graph API endpoint returned instead of a group list? 38004 Views 0 comments 1 kudos azure saml
Isn't it cheaper to send data with the existing Dynatrace Azure log forwarding to Dynatrace SaaS in AWS rather than to use Azure Native Dynatrace Service? 40082 Views 1 comments 5 kudos azure
Integrate OneAgent on Azure App Service for Windows: "Site extension overrides JAVA_OPTS" 35410 Views 0 comments 1 kudos azure java windows
Integrate OneAgent on Azure App Service for Windows: "Node.js app does not get instrumented" 35324 Views 0 comments 0 kudos azure integrations nodejs
Integrate OneAgent on Azure App Service for Windows: "No route registered for /dynatrace/ when accessing the site extension" 35569 Views 0 comments 0 kudos azure oneagent windows
Integrate OneAgent on Azure App Service for Windows: "503 Service Unavailable for Web App and Kudu" 41540 Views 0 comments 2 kudos azure oneagent windows
Integrate OneAgent on Azure App Service for Windows: "Failed to install: Could not find file" 41572 Views 0 comments 1 kudos azure installation oneagent
AWS / Azure monitoring setup: Timeframe comparison troubleshoot (custom timeframe versus Last X) 357669 Views 2 comments 5 kudos activegate azure metrics
AWS / Azure monitoring setup: How to connect through proxy? 41968 Views 0 comments 1 kudos activegate aws azure
AWS / Azure monitoring setup: What are the differences between built-in services and other services? 41861 Views 0 comments 1 kudos aws azure metrics
I don't have permissions to configure SSO for a linked Dynatrace environment 37400 Views 1 comments 2 kudos azure permissions
How does the Azure Native Dynatrace Service logging impact Azure costs? 38820 Views 2 comments 5 kudos azure
How can I get logs from an Azure subscription in another Azure tenant? 43274 Views 0 comments 1 kudos azure log monitoring classic
What are the limits for Azure Native Dynatrace Service log ingest? 43314 Views 0 comments 4 kudos azure
Dynatrace ActiveGate - Reaching ActiveGates through private DNS instead Azure's public DNS 1502 Views 1 comments 3 kudos activegate azure oneagent