AWS monitoring setup: How to configure a proxy for ActiveGate deployed on an EC2 instance, with an attached IAM role? 44364 Views 1 comments 3 kudos activegate aws metrics
Why are there gaps in Kubernetes monitoring of a cluster after I change the Kubernetes settings for this cluster? 1609 Views 3 comments 6 kudos activegate kubernetes
AWS / Azure monitoring setup: What if I have more than one ActiveGate? 44604 Views 1 comments 4 kudos activegate aws azure
Troubleshooting "Your ActiveGate configuration is not supported." 831 Views 0 comments 5 kudos activegate
Private Synthetic locations: ActiveGate installation/update failed because of missing dependencies 12641 Views 0 comments 2 kudos activegate private synthetic locations synthetic monitoring
ActiveGate Auto-update error: "You are required to change your password immediately (password expired)" 609 Views 0 comments 1 kudos activegate
[ActiveGate, Managed] VA scan shows vulnerable cipher or certificate 933 Views 0 comments 4 kudos activegate data privacy and product security dynatrace managed
AWS CloudFront metrics not visible in Dynatrace 2106 Views 2 comments 7 kudos activegate aws cloudfront
AWS monitoring setup: The `` file on my Environment ActiveGate doesn't have the `[aws_monitoring]` property listed in Documentation 43924 Views 0 comments 3 kudos activegate aws metrics
AWS monitoring setup: I create and attach the role for ActiveGate, but it doesn't assume the monitoring role 44571 Views 1 comments 3 kudos activegate aws curl
AWS / Azure monitoring setup: Timeframe comparison troubleshoot (custom timeframe versus Last X) 360280 Views 2 comments 5 kudos activegate azure metrics
AWS / Azure monitoring setup: How to connect through proxy? 44466 Views 0 comments 1 kudos activegate aws azure
AWS monitoring setup: My ActiveGate is behind a firewall 44173 Views 0 comments 2 kudos activegate aws
AWS monitoring setup: Role-based monitoring is not getting data from non-default AWS regions 44603 Views 0 comments 4 kudos activegate aws
Status: `Collecting of the diagnostic data wasn’t possible within 20 minutes.` 44038 Views 0 comments 2 kudos activegate diagnostics
Message: `Unexpected response status code = 500, cannot create SupportArchive file.` 44032 Views 0 comments 2 kudos activegate
Could not check credentials. Process is started by other user 39960 Views 0 comments 2 kudos activegate kubernetes
Why does ActiveGate return a 403 Forbidden error? 45983 Views 0 comments 5 kudos activegate opentelemetry
Why does ActiveGate return a 401 Unauthorized error? 46423 Views 0 comments 2 kudos activegate opentelemetry
Why do I get a connection error when exporting with OTLP to ActiveGate? 45908 Views 0 comments 3 kudos activegate opentelemetry
IBM MQ ActiveGate Extension - Troubleshooting Steps 3108 Views 3 comments 7 kudos activegate extensions ibm mq
Dynatrace ActiveGate - Reaching ActiveGates through private DNS instead Azure's public DNS 1588 Views 1 comments 3 kudos activegate azure oneagent