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host availability by management zone


I would like to add a single value visualization to my dashboard that takes the average availability of all hosts in the selected management zone.  I can create a metric in data explorer after selecting one of the hosts in the management zone but the query is very specific to the host I select.  Can this value be dynamically updated each time I change the management zone.


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


You can add dynamic filters to Classic Dashboard or variables to new Dashboards (Grail).

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

Thanks. The dynamic filters solve for individual host metrics but I still need a query that captures avg of availability for all hosts that are part of the management group that is selected. 

If I select a host from the management group I can drill down to its availability and open in Data Explorer:


but that is the availability specific to that host.  If my management zone had 4 hosts or 10 hosts can I get the avg availability of the hosts dynamically?

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

This is easily achievable my setting your Metric and Management Sone in the upper right hand corner. You can then apply a single value chart if so desired but it will be an aggregate of all the hosts. You can split it by hosts for a more in-depth view. 





You can go crazy with it by adding color overrides etc, so if its 99 - 100 its green, 95-99 yellow and less than 95 red





totally missed the built in metrics.... thanks.

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