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Does Dynatrace offer a way to push problem reports into a Basecamp project?

Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Is it possible for Dynatrace to automatically notify my Basecamp project environment about application, service or infrastructure problems?


Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Yes, by setting up a ‘Custom integration’ within Dynatrace it is possible to automatically notify your Basecamp project about problems in real time. This can be done by using the Dynatrace problem notification settings that are available by navigating to:

Settings - Integration - Problem notification

As Dynatrace does not offer a dedicated Basecamp integration so far, you have to set up a generic web hook notification entry instead.

Follow the next screenshot in order to enter your Basecamp environment ID and your specific project number within the destination URL and how to fill out a user specific payload in JSON format. The format of the Basecamp destination URL is:[BID]/api/v1/projects/[PID]/todolists/[TDLID]/todos.json

Where you have to replace [BID] with your own Basecamp environment id, [PID] with your Basecamp project id and [TDLID] with the id of your todo list you would like to push the problems into.

After you executed a necessary test run you are able to save your new Basecamp integration entry and jump back to your overall list of integrations.

If everything was set up correctly you will automatically receive your Dynatrace problem notification reports within your Basecamp project’s todo feed.

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