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Unlink conversation chat of an account from admin account

Frequent Guest


I have access to both my account and admin account. However, when I was logged in to my account and wanted to use the conversation for the first time, I was asked to log in again and then I was directed to the admin account. Now, every time I am using the conversation in either the admin account or my own account (hana), others who have access to the admin account could view the content too. 

I would like to ask:
  • How do I disable this sharing features(?).
  • Is it possible to unlink my own account (hana) and the admin account?

On another note, I too receive notifications in my personal email when others used the conversation (to ask questions and support) in the admin account (which I'd like to disable too). The attachment above is a question asked from the admin account and not my account (hana) for reference. Thanks.



Hi @Hana_Aziz19 

Is this Dynatrace Managed?

You're sharing your admin account in Dynatrace with co-workers? Simply use the chat only in your personal account. We don't have the option in Dynatrace to disable chat on a per-user basis.


Yes, this is DT Managed. Thanks for the reply.


We can unlink the admin account from the one that you are using for chat. I'll ping you via email.


Dear Gerald,


Thanks for the response. I have replied to your email.

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