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Would Dynatrace able to monitor database statement performance of Microsoft SQL server Linked between SQL server call to SQL server and Microsoft Power BI?

Hi, Everyone


I have a question from the customer, they have an issue about performance between SQL database call to SQL database by Microsoft SQL server Linked.

They need to know Database statement performance between Database1 and Database 2


Also, Microsoft Power BI, the customer pulls API data slow from Microsoft SQL server.


Would Dynatrace able to monitor database statement performance of Microsoft SQL server Linked between SQL server call to SQL server and Microsoft Power BI?





Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Dynatrace monitors database statements via the database frameworks (JDBC/ODBC/ADO/etc) called by the application. We only get to see the queries when we can instrument the application. If it is a linked SQL server, we don't get to see what's going on between them, because we can't instrument database processes.

That being said... having OneAgent infra mode on both SQL servers will give us some extent of visibility on the SQL server performance from the metrics OneAgents are collecting.

Hi, Chris

Thanks for your information. I think so, too that query statement must have transaction via Database Connectivity driver.

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