📚 Introducing the new Distributed Tracing app 308 Views 0 replies 5 kudos distributed tracing faq This thread is pinned
📚 Introducing the new OpenPipeline App 212 Views 0 replies 3 kudos faq openpipeline This thread is pinned
📚 Introducing the new Business Analytics apps! 280 Views 0 replies 7 kudos business analytics faq This thread is pinned
Resolved! 📚 Introducing the new Services App 490 Views 2 replies 7 kudos faq services This thread is pinned
Resolved! Difference between environment based problems and application based problem. 1088 Views 2 replies 0 kudos problem detection problems classic
Resolved! Exclude scanning ip addresses from Services 1272 Views 3 replies 0 kudos dynatrace managed services classic
Anyone know or also seen "Monitoring mode according to agent self-report" 1703 Views 2 replies 0 kudos documentation oneagent
Resolved! Set up of new tenant for non production 2270 Views 7 replies 1 kudos activegate dynatrace managed dynatrace saas
Integration with Google App Engine (G.A.E) standard 2665 Views 3 replies 0 kudos integrations oneagent
Resolved! Distributed trace duration doesn't add up 1318 Views 4 replies 0 kudos distributed traces classic
Resolved! Key requests in ingested traces 1148 Views 2 replies 0 kudos distributed traces classic opentelemetry services classic
Resolved! How get JSON in Workflows and work on it in the next task 1336 Views 1 replies 0 kudos workflows
Choose which ActiveGate stores dumps and download them from the UI 472 Views 0 replies 1 kudos activegate memory dump profiling and optimization
Resolved! PSA: Invisible chat support overlay interfere with user input in Dynatrace frontend when the chat have updates 1262 Views 2 replies 2 kudos chat support
Excluding a Process Group from a Global Customer Service Detection rule 806 Views 1 replies 0 kudos processes services classic
Regex help - show only numbers when there's a period in the data pulled 1228 Views 1 replies 0 kudos regex request attributes
Resolved! How to define service from Requests to unmonitored hosts 10539 Views 7 replies 0 kudos hosts classic services classic