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Can I tag applications by specific tags to see them in my user session query interface? 


Hi everyone, I'm trying to make some queries but I have a few questions...

Let me explain, I have several applications and I want to count all http 5xx error codes, but I want to filter those http error codes by application name... So my question is... If I tag my applications by for example app1, app2, app3, ...app_n, is there any way that I can see those tags in my user session query user interface?

for example: select count(usersession.totalErrorCount) from usererror where applicationName = "some tagged application" and httpErrorCode like '50%'

Thank you so much for your time!!


Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper


You can filter by application exactly as you mention above, but we are not able to filter for specific error codes at the moment. This is something we are looking to add in USQL in the future but we do not have a timeline yet.

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