22 Nov 2022
03:00 AM
- edited on
16 Jan 2025
01:32 PM
For any HTTP Response code errors, follow the troubleshooting steps here
Error |
Detail |
Test fails |
Error category |
Notes |
400 |
Bad Request |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
All errors are reported in the same tab |
401 |
Unauthorized |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
gets reported in a same tab since APM-108556 |
402 |
Payment Required |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
403 |
Forbidden |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
404 |
Not Found |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
405 |
Method Not Allowed |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
406 |
Not Acceptable |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
407 |
Proxy Authentication Required |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
408 |
Request Timeout |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
409 |
Conflict |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
410 |
Gone |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
411 |
Length Required |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
412 |
Precondition Required |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
413 |
Request Entry Too Large |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
414 |
Request-URI Too Long |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
415 |
Unsupported Media Type |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
416 |
Requested Range Not Satisfiable |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
417 |
Expectation Failed |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
418 |
I am a Teapot |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
419 |
Authentication Timeout |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
420 |
Method failure |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
421 |
Misdirected Request |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
423 |
Locked |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
424 |
Failed Dependency |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
425 |
Unordered Collection |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
426 |
Upgrade Required |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
428 |
Precondition Required |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
429 |
Too many requests |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
431 |
Request Header fields too large |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
440 |
Login Timeout |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
444 |
No Response |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
449 |
Retry with |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
450 |
Blocked by Windows Parental Controls |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
451 |
Unavailable for Legal Reasons |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
456 |
Unspecified Error |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
457 |
Unspecified Error |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
494 |
Request Header too large |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
495 |
Cert Error |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
496 |
No Cert |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
497 |
Http to Https |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
498 |
Token Expired Invalid |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
499 |
Client Closed Request |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
501 |
Not Implemented |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
502 |
Bad Gateway |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
503 |
Service Unavailable |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
504 |
Gateway Timeout |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
505 |
HTTP Version Not Supported |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
506 |
Variant also Negotiates |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
507 |
Insufficient Storage |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
508 |
Loop detected |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
509 |
Bandwidth limit exceeded |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
510 |
Not extended |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
511 |
Network authentication required |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
520 |
Webserver is returning an unknown error |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
521 |
Web Server is down |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
522 |
Connection timed out |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
524 |
A timeout occurred |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
598 |
Network read timeout error |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
599 |
Network connect timeout error |
Yes |
HTTP response code |
1001 |
unsupported script version |
Yes |
Script error |
from recorder and in responsecode.js → moved to errorlist Triggered when the script has no version or the version is neither 1.0 nor 2.0 |
1002 |
script syntax error |
Yes |
Script error |
from recorder and in responsecode.js → moved to errorlist It's triggered when parsing the gslScript fails |
1010 |
File downloads are currently not supported |
Yes |
Script error |
The script has clicked on something that is trying to download a file. This is not allowed in Browser Monitors |
1301 |
Hard / Transaction Timeout |
Yes |
Transaction Timeout |
Transaction deadline of 5 min exceeded. Can be set via test configuration but not via the UI (transactionTimeout) |
1302 |
Step Timeout |
Yes |
Step Timeout |
Step deadline of 60s exceeded. Can be set via test configuration but not via the UI (stepTimeout) |
1304 |
Wait for Page Complete Timeout / Time exceeded waiting for page to load completely |
Yes |
Step Timeout |
Error code is thrown if the step deadline is exceeded while waiting for this |
1305 |
Wait Network Timeout / Time exceeded waiting for background network activity to complete |
Yes |
Step Timeout |
Error code is thrown if the step deadline is exceeded while waiting for this |
1306 |
Wait for validate Timeout |
Yes |
User Script Failure |
Error code is thrown if the step deadline is exceeded while waiting for this |
1307 |
Wait timeout was too short for the page to load |
Yes |
Step Timeout |
Error code is thrown when user defined wait timeout was too short for the page to load. This should be fixed within the test. (Increasing the wait timeout or change it to another wait condition; ea. "Wait for page to load completely") |
1401 |
Validate Text Match Failed / One or more validations created for this action have failed |
Yes |
Content match failed |
not generic error message any more, not used as it is but rather a detailed message of which element validation is failed |
1501 |
Clickpath action failure |
Yes |
User Script Failure |
This is also the default error in case we can't find the corresponding error type for an error. Usually, it means there's a bug somewhere in our code. |
1502 |
Locator failure "The html element could not be found to perform action" |
Yes |
User Script Failure |
A special case of 1501 Clickpath action failure where the failure was caused by missing or wrong locators so mainly locator failure. The player couldn't find the element to click on but if the validation before is not set to fail then it won't be a validation timeout error. 1501 will stay the default error in case we don't want to show the details of the error to the user (as it might be an internal error/exception) |
1601 |
JS execution took too long |
Yes |
JS step errors |
JS execution has a shorter limit than a normal step |
1602 |
Exception was thrown |
Yes |
JS step errors |
An exception occurred while the custom script was executing |
1603 |
Test marked as failed by the user |
Yes |
JS step errors |
The user itself marked the test as failed |
1701 |
The specified target window is not found |
Yes |
Player error |
The target window specified in the script was not found, either it was specified by mistake by the customer or the recorder record it wrongly. |
1702 |
The specified target window got disconnected |
Yes |
Player error |
The target window to event is using has been disconnected, usually this is where the window closes before the event has completed. |
1801 |
Undefined placeholder was used |
Yes |
Script placeholders |
Placeholder was used but was not defined |
2001 |
playback window was closed |
Yes |
Recorder error |
from recorder |
2002 |
playback window was minimized |
Yes |
Recorder error |
from recorder |
2003 |
Extension is not enabled in incognito |
Yes |
Recorder error |
from recorder (not defined in cluster), the text may change, behind a feature flag |
2004 |
There is another incognito window open that needs to be closed first |
Yes |
Recorder error |
from recorder (not defined in cluster), the text may change, behind a feature flag |
10054 |
Connection Reset |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
ERR_CONNECTION_RESET is caused by issues that prevent a stable connection between your browser and a website. The problem usually originates from misconfigurations in the visitor's device or network. However, temporary connectivity issues or firewall restrictions from a website's web server can also cause the error. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1434451/what-does-connection-reset-by-peer-mean |
12000 |
Default network error |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
This error is thrown when we get an unknown / new chrome network error which does not fit any other error. Since sprint 168 It will be here https://github.com/adobe/chromium/blob/master/net/base/net_error_list.h but not in our list. |
12006 |
The site reported UNEXPECTED |
Chrome net error |
Chrome network error:net::ERR_UNEXPECTED error. Potential mitigation of this error is ignoring it using this experimental flag in Browser Monitor script: { |
12010 |
Failed |
Chrome net error |
Chrome network error net::ERR_FAILED It sometimes shows up for CORS errors. If you playback the monitor locally, you can often get more information on the error from DevTools console. |
12012 |
Address Unreachable |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
12013 |
DNS Lookup Failure |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
12014 |
Connection Timeout |
Yes |
Connection error Chrome net error |
This error can be caused from 2 places, as an exception to cancel transaction when connectionTimeoutExceeded or as a chrome network error net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT. The first is when it takes so long to receive a response from the server. By default it's a 59 seconds unless specified otherwise in the script. |
12015 |
Unsafe Port |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
12016 |
Connection Refused |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
12017 |
Too many redirects |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
not in recorder This error is handled as netWorkError and it sets a connection error similar to 12014 |
12018 |
There is no Internet connection |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
new in case of emulateNetworkConditions true and offline true |
12019 |
Request was blocked by client / Malicious resource detected |
Yes |
Chrome net error but triggered by us |
In case of coin mining url, we block the web request and report the error as it's reported by chrome. |
12020 |
The site unexpectedly closed the connection |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
Since sprint 142, in case a connection is closed from the server / proxy / firewall side. |
12026 |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
Since sprint 162 |
12027 |
The site reported ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
Since sprint 167 |
12032 |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
Since sprint 168 |
12033 |
The site reported ERR_TIMED_OUT |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
Since sprint 168 |
12049 |
Yes |
How to avoid the Synthetic Browser monitor Error Code 12049 "ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED" |
12143 |
The site reported HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
May be caused by firewalls like Akamai. In these cases, add Synthetic Browser Monitor traffic to the firewall allow list. |
12161 |
The site reported QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Yes |
Chrome net error |
For private locations, you can disable QUIC protocol, by adding the following line to the user.properties file
Linux: Update /var/lib/dynatrace/synthetic/config/user.properties and then restart the vuc.service. |
12183 |
Yes |
Chrome net error |
This is a generic error which you need to check further into. It's alerting you to a status code that is not considered successful, usually 401, 404, 500 etc. Checking the screenshot is usually sufficient but if that does not reveal anything, you can check the waterfall and execution log (see Synthetic Player (VUP) logs section here) |
20000 |
Unspecified Event Type Error |
Yes |
User Script Failure |
Internal error when the event we want to simulate is unspecified. Should not happen. |
20001 |
Yes |
User Script Failure |
User Agent is Missing RuxitSynthetic part with test id and run id |
20002 |
Yes |
User Script Failure |
Chrome startup error |
Thanks a lot! I believe these codes should also be in the documentation.
BTW, do the 97? codes also appear in synthetics?
Hi @xu_guo
Do you have any idea how to get past and fix the error 12020 - The site unexpectedly closed the connection.
There is also an error code 12006 Site Reported Unexpected, if anyone has experience with that.
12006 Site Reported Unexpected is the Chrome ERR_UNEXPECTED error. This is usually caused by an authentication issue. If you curl to the application from the ActiveGate, do you get a successful response? Often it is the case that a proxy is required to allow the ActiveGate to access the application. Or if you are already using a proxy, possibly you need to bypass it for the affected application. You can see the different scenarios available here
Are these codes in the doc anywhere?
What does this one mean?
"healthStatusCode": 17,
Can you please tell me how to resolve the 403 error of the synthetic monitor?
The URL is getting loaded when I try in the browser, but somehow, it is throwing a 403 error in Dynatrace.
I have created RUM for this application, but no user actions are getting captured, to troubleshoot this I created the synthetic monitor which is throwing a 403 error.
Can you please help me with this?
Hi @Vaishnavi_Ubhe,
Is your synthetic running against public Dynatrace robot? Private location?
Best regards
403 is a forbidden error. Have you added credentials to the monitor to allow it access? If you open the page from the Private location does it have access? Sometimes customers need to explicitly allow certain machines to have access using a proxy or network rules.
I have the same behavior (intermittent as well).
Did you found the root cause and/or a fix ?
Best regards
We're observing "The request failed with error 12100: ABORTED", any idea what exactly this means? and possible causes?
Couldn't find any details in the docs.
I have observed today in a waterfall:
Haven't found any reference to it. What might it mean?
"This request failed with error 12101: FAILED." is what the Browser monitor shows for resources when Chrome returns
Unfortunately, it's quite a generic error. It sometimes shows up for CORS errors. If you playback the monitor locally, you can often get more information on the error from DevTools console, assuming it's not intermittent.
"12183 - The site reported HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE" is a generic error which you need to check further into. It's alerting you to a status code that is not considered successful, usually 401, 404, 500 etc. Checking the screenshot is usually sufficient but if that does not reveal anything, you can check the waterfall and execution log (see Synthetic Player (VUP) logs section here)