Mobile applications: Build issues with Dynatrace Android Gradle plugin 38004 Views 0 comments 3 kudos android mobile monitoring real user monitoring
Mobile applications: General issues with Dynatrace Android Gradle plugin 35255 Views 0 comments 3 kudos android mobile monitoring real user monitoring
Session Replay on crashes for Android: User sessions are recorded, but Session Replay is not available 36088 Views 0 comments 2 kudos android mobile monitoring real user monitoring
Session Replay on crashes for Android: User sessions are not recorded 35554 Views 0 comments 3 kudos android mobile monitoring real user monitoring
Why does the Dynatrace Android Gradle plugin needs two repositories? 1985 Views 1 comments 0 kudos android mobile monitoring
Where do I find the build logs, when I press the "Run" button (or "build" menu item) in Android Studio? 5041 Views 1 comments 0 kudos android mobile monitoring
How does the Dynatrace Android Gradle plugin auto-instruments the Android application? 1462 Views 1 comments 1 kudos android mobile monitoring
How to validate the Android Agent is working properly 1912 Views 1 comments 1 kudos android mobile monitoring
How to check the used Android Gradle Plugin Version? 52725 Views 1 comments 2 kudos android mobile monitoring
What and where is the top-level build.gradle file? 11259 Views 1 comments 2 kudos android mobile monitoring
What and where is the application module build.gradle file? 3392 Views 1 comments 2 kudos android mobile monitoring
What is a build variant (product flavors, build types) from the Android Gradle plugin and how does it work? 2739 Views 1 comments 1 kudos android mobile monitoring