Dashboard DQL - combine tiles values (can variables be used?) 210 Views 2 replies 0 kudos dashboards dql
Dashboard variable not recognized depending on content 217 Views 1 replies 0 kudos dashboards dql filter
When can Service and Application metrics be used in new Dashboards and Notebooks 690 Views 1 replies 2 kudos dql metrics notebooks
Resolved! How can I visualise timeseries data in pie chart? 1371 Views 6 replies 1 kudos dashboards dashboards classic dql
Discrepancy Between Grail Dashboard DateTime and Local System DateTime 2494 Views 7 replies 1 kudos dashboards dql latest dynatrace
Resolved! Fetching availability of browser synthetic and HTTP monitors using DQL 6148 Views 11 replies 8 kudos availability browser monitors dashboards classic
Resolved! How we can calculate service availability % using metrics or logs 2491 Views 6 replies 1 kudos dql dynatrace api grail
Host availability dashboard taking into maintenance windows, clean shutdown, and newly created hosts 1563 Views 3 replies 1 kudos dashboards dql hosts classic
Dashboards using DQL in Dynatrace SaaS shows invalid variables 1089 Views 2 replies 0 kudos dashboards dql
Resolved! Honeycomb dashboard data mapping colors 786 Views 1 replies 1 kudos dashboards dql latest dynatrace
Error "Define a value in the referenced variables" when using Text variables that by default are empty 1726 Views 4 replies 0 kudos dashboards dql
Resolved! Reorder column when DQL quering 887 Views 1 replies 1 kudos dashboards dql latest dynatrace
Resolved! New Dashboards - donut/PieChart split by values 1362 Views 2 replies 0 kudos dashboards dql
Resolved! Dashboards - filter by a host property 2878 Views 1 replies 0 kudos dashboards dashboards classic data explorer
Resolved! Recreate the data explorer chart session by means of the new dashboard in Grail 1974 Views 2 replies 4 kudos data explorer dql grail
A problem with line chart in Grail's last week data comparison from logs data 1611 Views 1 replies 2 kudos charts dashboards dql