📚 Introducing the new Distributed Tracing app 220 Views 0 replies 4 kudos distributed tracing faq This thread is pinned
📚 Introducing the new OpenPipeline App 176 Views 0 replies 3 kudos faq openpipeline This thread is pinned
📚 Introducing the new Business Analytics apps! 245 Views 0 replies 6 kudos business analytics faq This thread is pinned
Resolved! 📚 Introducing the new Services App 439 Views 2 replies 7 kudos faq services This thread is pinned
📊 Take the new Troubleshooting Topics Survey 2376 Views 4 replies 11 kudos feedback survey This thread is pinned
📚 Introducing the new Discovery & Coverage App 1001 Views 0 replies 6 kudos clouds extensions faq This thread is pinned
📚 Introducing the new Infrastructure and Operations App 2206 Views 1 replies 11 kudos faq hosts classic infrastructure monitoring This thread is pinned
Resolved! Use OpenTelemetry to build dashboard or alert 1223 Views 1 replies 0 kudos dashboards opentelemetry problems classic
Host naming Regex to exclude management IP addresses 1326 Views 3 replies 0 kudos hosts classic naming rules regex
Resolved! Create web request rule for individual service from Terraform 1198 Views 2 replies 0 kudos terraform
Resolved! Bring back the ability to filter services with request attribute 2620 Views 2 replies 3 kudos request attributes services classic
Resolved! Split Process Group to each Process with per Host 4074 Views 12 replies 0 kudos dynatrace managed installation processes
Why the value of the blocked process is 1.37? 1929 Views 5 replies 0 kudos latest dynatrace metrics processes
Resolved! Apache ActiveMQ Classic does not connect with Linux Operating System 927 Views 1 replies 1 kudos activegate dynatrace saas
Resolved! Dynatrace losing request parameters after enabling bizevents 7229 Views 17 replies 2 kudos business analytics metrics request attributes
Resolved! Several synthetic locations are unavailable 2330 Views 6 replies 0 kudos public synthetic locations synthetic monitoring
Resolved! Event ingest on OneAgent localhost interface answers "forbidden" 1452 Views 2 replies 0 kudos data ingest events oneagent
Resolved! Use Dynatrace as a single tool 1947 Views 3 replies 2 kudos infrastructure monitoring network monitoring
Resolved! Prevent Dynatrace to create new process group instance 3775 Views 10 replies 0 kudos process groups processes settings
Resolved! Data extraction for a specific host 4533 Views 4 replies 0 kudos dashboards classic dynatrace api hosts classic
Resolved! No hosts visible in the Monitor Candidates 1817 Views 3 replies 0 kudos dynatrace saas hosts classic
Resolved! Custom Multidimensional Analysis with server instance name 1234 Views 1 replies 1 kudos metrics multidimensional analysis
Resolved! Bucketing web request endpoints under Opaque Service 1587 Views 4 replies 0 kudos services classic
Resolved! Dashboard metric for the date and time last of last sent message 984 Views 1 replies 0 kudos dashboards